Here's a fresh space to share news - insights - comments and upcoming events.
Hello! Here I am, launching a new website section! 🎉
It will include info on upcoming events and exhibitions where we could actually meet in person (yes, that would be cool!), but also heads up on upcoming products drops on the shop and it could also represent a space for me (and you) to share info and questions about the photographs, the process, ideas, inspirations, opinions, burning questions and getting in touch, encouraging some much needed human interaction.

If we don't know each other yet, this is me 👆 while taking a self-portrait with one of my favourite cameras, an Hasselblad 500CM. Medium format cameras are always in my heart but I rarely use them. I like to take photographs with 35mm cameras, as they are small and light and I can take photographs without being noticed, quickly, just before it's too late. I love working with analog processes and cameras, as it gives me that perfect rhythm of work, the right pauses, the slowness of the process that alternates moments of lucid shooting, of moments of wait, then the surprise, the moment in which you look at the negatives and you remember that exact time, the smells, the light, the feelings while discovering new details that you might have missed while shooting. As life goes faster and faster, I've embraced a slower approach, and whenever possible, I love spending time in darkroom developing my films, printing and experimenting - other times I just drop bags full of films to my local trusted lab.
Here's a short video showing bits of my black and white darkroom in Sicily, and myself while developing and printing:
I'll keep this space updated with the latest news and in the meantime, please let me know your opinion, leave a comment and subscribe to my newsletter here to be the first to know about new sales, special offers and more.